This one is my personal favorite. We have mentioned the historical
revisionists/reconstructionists before, but Barton is perhaps the most
prominent advocate for religiously zealous, Orwellian reconstruction of
American history to fit Christian fundamentalist ideals. Barton is a
crank historian and Christian Nation apologist (and activist) and
founder of
has written extensively on the alleged religious fundamentalism of the
founding fathers and the “true intent” of the constitution as a
foundation for a theocracy.
Has been caught lying, cherry-picking and fabricating material many, many times,
as discussed here
(in particular fabricating quotes he attribute to the founding
fathers). Many of the alleged quotes have achieved lives of their own,
even though Barton has admitted to lying. More
here and
problem is that his writing has exerted profound influence over the
Texas Board of Education and other radically religious curriculum
builders. And of course, his ideological commitments ensure that he can
say virtually
whatever he wants without being called out by his allies.
up with Barton's lying, quote-mining and fact-twisting would be a
full-time job. He seems, however, to have deteriorated to the point
where he doesn't even seem to care to hide it. He knows he has no
credibility among those who actually know anything, and he knows that
his fan based on the extreme right is willing to accept
whatever shit falls out of his mouth. I recommend
this deconstruction of Barton's Stewart appearance in several parts:
• Hooy. He seems to be kicking it up
yet another notch...
Oh fucking dear.
• See David Barton "argue" that schools
force children to be gay. A good primer on Barton's fraudulent revisions of history can be found
• Oh, hell. I can't leave him be.
is Barton claiming that there is a "spiritual" solution to abortion and
poverty because people of faith do not "choose to live in poverty."
He claims that once poor people change their humanistic attitude that
tolerates abortion, poverty will end. Seriously. Ok. To clinch it,
claiming that actual demonic powers are literally running rampant in
the current government. There isn't really much left to say. Barton
has fully embraced the crazy of Bryan Fischer and Tony Perkins, but is
an even more hardcore religious fundamentalist than either (Barton, for
instance, is more or less explicitly a dominionist). And that takes some
• Ok.
One more.
• As mentioned, we are not going to keep track of Barton's antics. That would be a full time job (in fact,
Chris Rhodda
is thankfully taking on herself that task), to say the least. Barton is
nothing if no productive, and just in the course of two days did he
manage to spill at least
this and
this example of insanity, as well as some breathtaking displays of
dishonesty. Here's an example of
why he is so dangerous.
• ... and from the department of alternative realities, we bring you
• ... and one more: Barton spectacularly commits a
naturalistic fallacy.
...and this must be something of a record, even for Barton. At least he gets
slamdunked here, though he'll of course never admit as much.
• And in
yet another breathtaking display of wingnut stupid Barton blames the theory of evolution for the (state level) separation of church and state.
is interesting that Barton doesn't even seem to care about hiding it
anymore: He has come out as a pure Biblical literalist who
rejects any scientific result
that can be remotely interpreted as conflicting with a literal reading
of any part of the Bible - and he rejects it precisely because it
conflicts with a literal (that is "literal" - meaning reading the Bible
so that it fully conforms to Barton's preconceptions about what it ought
to say) of the Bible.
• Now,
this must surely count as among the most ridiculous things Barton has ever said.
At least he does not have the faintest clue about American history, and
he props up his ignorance with the most ridiculous glassy-eyed,
evangelical explanatory attempt we have yet to see. More of the
usual stuff. Here's Barton claiming that secular law leads to sharia,
because he doesn't know how words work, what expressions mean, what
distinguishes reasoning from delusional ranting, or (even cursorily) how
reality is put together. Chris Rodda has started a new series debunking
Barton's newest book. You can read the first entry
• And
here is Barton claiming that schools don't teach his version of history because of evolution. Which would, of course, be an argument against him if it were true, but Barton doesn't quite manage to see it that way.
Barton is known to try to claim that it's not the religious right who
is trying to institute a theocracy, but the liberals. His evidence,
however, is
more abysmally insane than you'd thought possible.
This illustrates fairly well the danger a complete loon like Barton pose to civilization.
A small sample of falsehoods from Barton's most recent book.
• Barton
continues his battle against reality, as expected.
• Well, this man sure
continues to astound us.
Diagnosis: Liar
and fraud, dishonest quack and zealot, and also a victim of severe
confirmation bias. He has had a lot of influence however (Texas Board of
Education, for instance) and must be ranked among the most dangerous,
destructively influential forces of lunacy out there.