Sunday, March 16, 2014

Entry #015: Gary Bates

Bates is the author of “Alien Intrusion: UFOs and the Evolution Connection", a central book within the Christian UFO movement. Bates is a Biblical literalist and creationist, conspiracy theorist and a UFO “scholar”. Official website here (apparently you can get a free anti-alien sticker for each book purchase; you can also take a quiz on the Bible and UFOs – Bates claims that the Bible is the best UFO book ever written).

Short story according to Bates: Alien stories are part of the conspiracy! There are no extraterrestrials – beliefs in these are just result of atheistic sci-fi writers’ biases and a distortion of the truth caused by the prevalence of the false theory of evolution (you can sort of see the strangely twisted reasoning here) . The true account of UFO-related phenomena is found in the Bible (demons and angels), but this true account is covered up by the liberal, atheistic government conspiracy. You can read an interview here (from the creationist “peer-reviewed” journal Creation).

Diagnosis: Deranged dingbat who panders to not-entirely-conservatively-Christian but gullible UFO-enthusiasts and new age conspiracy theorists. Mad as a hatter. Impact: Might be able to influence the divisions of labor among already crazy fringe-cranks, and possibly able recruit some religious fundamentalists. Potential recruits must already be quite unhinged.

Entry #014: David Barton

This one is my personal favorite. We have mentioned the historical revisionists/reconstructionists before, but Barton is perhaps the most prominent advocate for religiously zealous, Orwellian reconstruction of American history to fit Christian fundamentalist ideals. Barton is a crank historian and Christian Nation apologist (and activist) and founder of Wallbuilders; has written extensively on the alleged religious fundamentalism of the founding fathers and the “true intent” of the constitution as a foundation for a theocracy. Has been caught lying, cherry-picking and fabricating material many, many times, as discussed here (in particular fabricating quotes he attribute to the founding fathers). Many of the alleged quotes have achieved lives of their own, even though Barton has admitted to lying. More here and here.

The problem is that his writing has exerted profound influence over the Texas Board of Education and other radically religious curriculum builders. And of course, his ideological commitments ensure that he can say virtually whatever he wants without being called out by his allies.

Keeping up with Barton's lying, quote-mining and fact-twisting would be a full-time job. He seems, however, to have deteriorated to the point where he doesn't even seem to care to hide it. He knows he has no credibility among those who actually know anything, and he knows that his fan based on the extreme right is willing to accept whatever shit falls out of his mouth. I recommend this deconstruction of Barton's Stewart appearance in several parts: One, Two, Three, Four, Five.

• Hooy. He seems to be kicking it up yet another notch...Oh fucking dear.
• See David Barton "argue" that schools force children to be gay. A good primer on Barton's fraudulent revisions of history can be found here.
• Oh, hell. I can't leave him be. Here is Barton claiming that there is a "spiritual" solution to abortion and poverty because people of faith do not "choose to live in poverty." He claims that once poor people change their humanistic attitude that tolerates abortion, poverty will end. Seriously. Ok. To clinch it, Barton is claiming that actual demonic powers are literally running rampant in the current government. There isn't really much left to say. Barton has fully embraced the crazy of Bryan Fischer and Tony Perkins, but is an even more hardcore religious fundamentalist than either (Barton, for instance, is more or less explicitly a dominionist). And that takes some work.
• Ok. One more.
• As mentioned, we are not going to keep track of Barton's antics. That would be a full time job (in fact, Chris Rhodda is thankfully taking on herself that task), to say the least. Barton is nothing if no productive, and just in the course of two days did he manage to spill at least this and this example of insanity, as well as some breathtaking displays of dishonesty. Here's an example of why he is so dangerous.
• ... and from the department of alternative realities, we bring you this.
• ... and one more: Barton spectacularly commits a naturalistic fallacy.
...and this must be something of a record, even for Barton. At least he gets slamdunked here, though he'll of course never admit as much.
• And in yet another breathtaking display of wingnut stupid Barton blames the theory of evolution for the (state level) separation of church and state.
It is interesting that Barton doesn't even seem to care about hiding it anymore: He has come out as a pure Biblical literalist who rejects any scientific result that can be remotely interpreted as conflicting with a literal reading of any part of the Bible - and he rejects it precisely because it conflicts with a literal (that is "literal" - meaning reading the Bible so that it fully conforms to Barton's preconceptions about what it ought to say) of the Bible.
• Now, this must surely count as among the most ridiculous things Barton has ever said. At least he does not have the faintest clue about American history, and he props up his ignorance with the most ridiculous glassy-eyed, evangelical explanatory attempt we have yet to see. More of the usual stuff. Here's Barton claiming that secular law leads to sharia, because he doesn't know how words work, what expressions mean, what distinguishes reasoning from delusional ranting, or (even cursorily) how reality is put together. Chris Rodda has started a new series debunking Barton's newest book. You can read the first entry here.
• And here is Barton claiming that schools don't teach his version of history because of evolution. Which would, of course, be an argument against him if it were true, but Barton doesn't quite manage to see it that way.
• Barton is known to try to claim that it's not the religious right who is trying to institute a theocracy, but the liberals. His evidence, however, is more abysmally insane than you'd thought possible.
This illustrates fairly well the danger a complete loon like Barton pose to civilization.
A small sample of falsehoods from Barton's most recent book.
• Barton continues his battle against reality, as expected.
• Well, this man sure continues to astound us.

Diagnosis: Liar and fraud, dishonest quack and zealot, and also a victim of severe confirmation bias. He has had a lot of influence however (Texas Board of Education, for instance) and must be ranked among the most dangerous, destructively influential forces of lunacy out there.

Entry #013: Matt Barber

Our lucky 13th loon is Matt Barber. Barber is a columnist at Worldnetdaily (Where do they find these people, seriously?). Also policy director for cultural issues at DC-based Concerned Women for America (an anti-gay organization), and spokesman for Liberty Legal Alliance. Very, very concerned about gay people, convinced gay marriage is unconstitutional and that there is a gay conspiracy out there (and Obama is in on the conspiracy because the Supreme Court didn’t quite agree about the unconstitutionality (yes, that’s the reasoning)). Barber has absolutely no insight into how the legal system works, which does not prevent him from commenting on it with brazen confirmation bias, fact-twisting and outright lies. Argues for taking children away from gay parents. Like so many of his ilk, Barber is also a moral relativist when it suits his purposes. Also has a serious persecution complex and is worried about gay jihadists.

A (typical) quote in advance of the 2008 election: ”If Bill Clinton was the first black president, Barack Obama, if elected, will be the first "gay" president. No, I don't mean he'll personally decorate the West Wing, open a bathhouse in the Rose Garden or take up with Barney Frank. I mean he'll be the most radically pro-homosexual, anti-family president in history. He's very quietly pledged as much to the homosexual "Human Rights Campaign" and other fawning members of his homo-fascist fan club” (note the interesting characterization of Obama voters in the last sentence).

Trivia: try to find the logical structure of the argument presented here.

Oh, and just to emphasize: even if this is an old post, we haven't forgotten about Barber. He is as repugnantly insane as ever. You can see Peter LaBarbera and Matt Barber discuss the New Gay World Order here. And here's Barber denying that he is a Dominionist - he just want fundamentalist Christians in all positions of power and the Bible to replace the Constitution (though he doesn't really recognize the distinction between the Bible and the Constitution).

Ok, Here we go again. And again.

Hey ho ... looks like Barber is in a predicament. At least he knows how to run with a slippery slope. This one sounds like a poor comedy scene, and would have been rather amusing as such. There really, truly is no limit. Breathtaking.

Here's Barber being a total loon and total asshole on the Sandra Fluke matter. And if you want to see Barber going batshit insane due to his fuming, directionless hatred of the SPLC ...

His most recent excursion into making shit up and passing it off as something resembling truth is ripped to shreds here. Would you believe it, but Barber is actually caught lying!

Here's Barber and Staver claiming that failing to overturn Obamacare is judicial activism through omission. You cannot make this shit up.

Every day Barber cranks up the crazy just a little bit. We cannot deal with every piece of delusional insanity, but I suppose we have a duty to check in every now and then. This is where he's at May 2, 2012. Ordinary sane people may not easily conceive of a way to top this one, but I am sure that Barber will continue to impress. More here. And yes folks, this is a guy who considers himself a fighter for morality and decency. At least the world becomes much easier to deal with when you have only one single enemy.

Diagnosis: Moron; paranoid lunatic with a severe persecution complex; probably little impact beyond the group who already agrees with what he says (i.e. no power to persuade anyone).

Entry #012: Chuck Baldwin

It's our 12th loon, Chuck Baldwin! Baldwin was a 2008 U.S. presidential candidate for the openly theocratic Constitution Party.

Baldwin is a strong advocate for a Christian Nation and a historical revisionist with a persecution complex, arguing tirelessly that the American Constitution is based entirely off of the Bible. At the same time he promotes religious liberty, but Baldwin is one of those who aren’t affected by cognitive dissonance. Baldwin also holds that the Founding fathers were religious fundamentalists – he is known for publicly attributing quotes to them that he has made up himself (but the contents of which, according to him, the founding fathers would have agreed with). For a discussion of his views and arguments, see here.

Diagnosis: Bigoted, vile, zealous and crazy theocrat, liar for Jesus, paranoid and harebrained (but the martyr tactic is the lifeblood of these dingbats, so a persecution complex is unavoidable). Impact is probably relatively limited (the Constitution party isn’t exactly in the running for many seats), but the Orwellian historical revisionism he stands for is a cause for concern.

Entry #011: Arthur M. Baker

Baker (no photo available) is an ardent proponent of that brand of food woo known as "raw foodism", i.e. the idea that we should ideally only eat raw (even living) food. This new age trend is primarily founded on the naturalistic fallacy (+ confirmation bias and anecdotal evidence) and has little scientific foundation. Not cooking any of one's food might be acceptable (though not recommendable) were it not for pesky food poisoning and bacteria. This by itself might not be enough to merit inclusion in the Encyclopedia - but of course folks like Baker have to take it a couple of steps further.

Baker is the author of "Awakening Our Self Healing Body", and he avoids the problem of bacteria in uncooked food since he doesn’t believe in the germ theory of disease anyway (it’s a conspiracy to support the food industry or something). A central supporter of the Natural Hygiene Movement, Baker rejects Western medicine and its theoretical foundation, and in his book “rips apart the notion of viruses destroying your body” (since viruses cannot do that since they are not living things) and similar claims, mostly based on ignorance, lies, bias and the purported fact that raw food is obviously natural and hence good, and Western medicine does not unequivocally recognize that. Parts of his ramblings are, however, semi-technical and well-written, and might to people with little knowledge about the matters look convincing. Support for raw foodism is, according to Baker, also found in the Bhagavad Gita and the Essene Gospel of peace. Another convincing argument he subscribes to is that Methuselah only ate raw food – and he got to live pretty long, didn’t he?

Diagnosis: Loon. Confirmation bias is strong with this one, but he is only one of an almost endless parade of food cranks. The movement seems to have some impact, but Baker’s own influence in particular is uncertain; should be considered dangerous, however.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Entry #010: Ted Baehr

Baehr runs Movieguide, which, despite its neutral name, describes itself as a ministry "dedicated to redeeming the values of the mass media according to biblical principles, by influencing entertainment industry executives and helping families make wise media choices" (i.e. rave reviews of creationist propaganda). Baehr is also chairman of the Christian Film and Television Commission and a columnist/movie reviewer for Worldview Times. He wasn’t happy with Religulous, as this review shows (and this review alone merits Baehr’s inclusion in the Encyclopedia)

Also a vigorous opponent of e.g. stem cell research (apparently he views The Family Research Council as an authoritative source here); staunch anti-elitist religious crackpot who argues that science (at least science whose results don’t support (his interpretation of) the Bible) is a liberal conspiracy, as in the article discussed here.

• And here you can see Ted Baehr blithely assume that non-theocratic forms of government equals Marxism.
• Ted Baehr reviews Hunger Games and is - predictably - unable to stay coherent.

Diagnosis: Zealous, paranoid wingnut and pathological liar, religious fundamentalist and general loon. Angry. Influence: hard to tell; there are a lot of these guys out there, but he is relatively prolific and seems to have some readers.

Entry #009: Michelle Bachmann

Coming in at #9 we have one of my very favorite loons, the lovely Michele Bachmann. Bachmann is the United States Representative of Minnesota's 6th congressional district and a member of the Republican Party.

Judging by a number of trustworthy sources and good evidence (mostly the words that come out of her mouth), she may be the single stupidest person alive (perhaps in competition with Steve King, R-Iowa). Staunch supporter of the teabagging party (including all of their contradictory goals, apparently). Good mental compartmentalizer, for she is apparently completely unaffected by (or aware of) cognitive dissonance. Well, I don't think I can be bothered to update this one anywhere near continuously. This, for instance, is just far too typical. Following is a tasty selection of her wide variety of loony times.

A quickly assembled but unrepresentative sample of the stuff that falls out of her mouth
On CO2 emissions.
On net neutrality.
Discussion of her view on the swine flu (and the Democrats’ role in it).
One more informative source of Bachmann quotes.
An update on moronic crap falling out of Bachmann's mouth can be found here
This one is pretty awesome.
Anyone up for more falsehoods from Bachmann?
Her husband isn't entirely well-hinged either, it seems.
This one is also rather appalling. And here she claims that Terri Schiavo was healthy.
At last she's also claimed that hurricane Irene was God's warning to America.
• And just to fill out the picture, she's finally accepted anti-vaxx rhetoric as well, falling for the simplest, most easily refutable talking points from the most insane conspiracy theory-laden antivaxx groups.
Given the recent noise around Bachmann and HPV, this one deserves a link.
This one is pretty good.
• Even though she’s obviously lost steam it’s kinda fun to keep track of her campaign. Here’s her claim that the US should follow China and drop the welfare state to boost the economy (the bizarreness of which is rather astounding). Indeed, she’s been making several, uh, interesting foreign policy suggestions lately. There’s a good Bachmann resource here.
Oh, Michele
• And it never stops, even though you thought the last one was unbeatable.
Here's the latest Bachmann endorsement of creationist and all the creationist talking points.
Here's an illuminating interview with Bachmann on Biblical worldviews, public schools and a general lack of touch with anything resembling reality.
And Bachmann explaining how she wishes to reform the courts to conform to her Biblical view of law. Charming.

Edit: A friend of mine has now provided us with a very detailed profile on Bachmann and what has created her thinking. Thanks!

Diagnosis: Complete moron – a living embodiment of Dunning-Kruger. Obviously in possession of power and influence, and probably a large fan group as well; in other words very dangerous.

Entry #008: Douglas Axe

Axe is a zealous creationist associated with the Discovery Institute (he is the director at their “Biologic Institute"). Axe is a molecular biologist, and thus actually knows some science. He uses this knowledge to write mundane papers, at least two of which have been published in low-tier, although genuine, journals - despite being uninteresting and mundane. Axe’s work is hailed by the Discovery Institute as evidence for their views. Of course, there is no actual support of intelligent design in these published papers, and Axe himself admits as much.

Insofar as Axe is a creationist with real scientific publications to his name, Axe’s work is one of the main contributions to a sheen of legitimacy for the ID movement. But given that his publications do not at all support or even touch on their views (but are willfully interpreted as such by other ID-proponents without Axe complaining) he is an important contributor to erecting the framework of dishonesty that is the ID movement.

And he shows himself to be extremely fond of the standard Creationist false dichotomy: If just evolution were shown to be false then creationism would be correct. He seems nevertheless to be dimly aware of the problem with this assumption, and he makes some rather feeble attempts at goalpost-moving his way around them.

And no; despite being touted as the scientist of the DiscoTute, he doesn't have the most tenuous grasp of biology, as evidenced by this feeble and profound misunderstanding of basic notions.

Diagnosis: Dishonest wingnut who might pose a genuine if minor threat to science and rationality as a creationist with actually published (though unrelated) material.

Entry #007: William Arntz

Our seventh loon is the unfortunately influential filmmaker William Arntz.

Arntz is the Producer, Director, and Screenwriter of the movie “What the Bleep Do We Know”, perhaps the most influential piece of dreadfully cranky quantum-woo ever produced. It's complete gibberish; confirmation bias, lunacy and wishful thinking dressed up in pseudo-scientific language. Arntz is a graduate of Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment (yes: channeling, pyramidology, numerology, tinfoil hats, you name it), and a radical, utterly flaky New-Ager whose dishonesty is presumably a consequence of solid confirmation bias and gullibility rather than malice.

Diagnosis: Flapdoodler with a clinical lack of critical thinking skills, complete idiot; currently enjoys rather large influence through his work, however.

Entry #006: Steven Anderson & Zsuzsanna Anderson

Our sixth loon, Steven Anderson, is a rather frightening one.

An Arizona-based pastor at Faithful Word Baptist Church, Anderson is famous for sermons where he fervently prays (and asks his congregation to pray) for the death and eternal torment of people who disagree with him (mostly President Obama, democrats and gays), including urging his congregation to murder his enemies (i.e. gays and liberals). Strong advocate of Old Testament morality (“God didn’t change his mind”) but oblivious to the cognitive dissonance it brings with it. No qualms about lying about his opponents. Convinced that gays are currently bringing an end to America (and that liberals are really disguised gays – Anderson has several ad hominem arguments of the kind ‘x says p; x is a liberal; hence x is gay, hence p is false, a lie and part of a scheme to bring down America’).

Discussed here, for instance. And here.

After being out of the limelight for a year or so, Anderson seems to have decided to increase the volume.

Diagnosis: Deranged, vile and very possibly clinically insane. Fred Phelps wannabe. Very dangerous to the extent that some of his (presumably relatively small) congregation might actually do what he tells them to do.

Here we have an interesting and entertaining addition to my reproduction of the Encyclopedia of American Loons: the wife of Steven Anderson, who goes by the lovely name of Zsuzsanna. Here we have Anita Dalton of I Read Odd Books describe her:

She's one of the most vicious, nasty, mean, arrogant, lying pieces of shit one could ever hope to be the partner of the Pissing Preacher (PP) (explanation for this name here). It's like she was sent from Central Casting. She could not be a better partner to our Steven.
Over on Free Jinger, some think she is abused and should be pitied but I say dear ZsuZsu is Anderson's perfect helpmeet because her hate is just too heartfelt. She's raising her six, soon to be seven, children, to be virulent and ignorant homophobes and conspiracy theorists. And hey, if she births an army, she will never get breast cancer like all us childless lesbian atheists! She rejects all science except that which proves her spurious ideas - convenient!

Here's her blog. Literally every entry has some lovely bit of heinous ignorance, but here are some examples of the well of poisonous hate to be found in this stinking example of fine Christian womanhood:
• Here ZsuZsu says she disregards all science that is contrary to the Bible (she homeschools her kids, hahahahaha), every male OBGYN is a pervert, and she's psychologically torturing her neuro-atypical son, who has dyslexia except charming ZsuZsu says he's "artistic" which means he's thisclose to gay (in other entries she has said she would abandon and disown any child of hers who was homosexual). Don't miss the comments, where she is sure to point out her midwife IS NOT A LESBIAN!

Here she chimes in on the extended breastfeeding issue, which is pure comedy gold coming from a woman having a baybee a year for Jesus and thinks the Bible has the answer for her every nutritional issue. A highlight: "Mammals are animals. Humans are - well, humans. NOT animals." SOTDT is gonna equip her kids well for life, no?
It's hard to find links when I just read her for fun because she is evil incarnate covered in baby barf, but some of her greatest hits include cursing down a couple down on their luck who came to their church asking for help because Jesus has no use for the poor - oops! ZsuZsu has no use for the poor and thinks that charity weakens people. Her views on welfare recipients are beyond hate speech. She believes that all church nurseries are run by pedophiles so any church that has a separate place for young children during services is probably raping children - found a link for that one. She encourages her children to demean other kids who attend school and have had vaccinations and her children are literally never out of her sight, which means they have zero friends because ZsuZsu hates all children but her own and would never permit other children in her house.

Her suspicion of modern medicine meant that one of her sons who suffers from extreme asthma was near death before she finally got him some proper care and he ended up in the hospital for days. She believes the government is out to get her and everyone else. Her children wear "9-11 was an inside job" shirts and have a poster on their walls that says the same. Though impoverished in every sense of the word, the family took a vacation this year to visit "Dr." Kent Hovind in prison. Hovind is a Christian martyr imprisoned for tax evasion and smurfing so no worries that the Andersons were taking their kids to see a rapist or a common liar and thief. (Editor's Note: We will be visiting the wondrous lunacy of Mr Hovind later on in our Loon Retrospective.)

Also the pictures on her site will warm your heart as the vomit surges forth. Her kids are off-limits to me because they did not choose that life but everything else... The PP in his underpants at the Thanksgiving table was a particular hit with those of us who just don't feel that we see the soft side of vicious hatemongers who want Obama dead.

Seriously, the next time you get the flu and can feel no sicker than you already are, read ZsuZsu's blog. She's the most charmless, jealous, wicked, stupid, self-impressed hate-mongering mommy blogger on the planet.

Diagnosis: Just like her husband, she's deranged, vile and very possibly clinically insane - and a PERFECT MATCH for her Phelps-wannabe hubby. And despite her blogging, her influence is probably even less than her husband's, due to the subordinate role she would have in a Christian patriarchal community.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Entry #005: Desmond Paul Allen

Coming in at #5 is a very special Loon, Desmond Paul Allen.

Allen is a prolific author of incoherent babble on creationism, politics, and the "Question of Reality" [?]. His works include the unintentional Sokal hoax “An Apology and Unification Theory for the Reconciliation of Physical Matter and Metaphysical Cognizance”, published in the "peer reviewed" "research" journal Answers (run by Answers in Genesis) - an article premised, it seems, on the looniest things Kent Hovind ever said.

His “peer reviewed” journal article is dissected here.

Short abstract: “God spoke and it was so; so that our physical universe is essentially an electromagnetically charged holographic medium, as it were, empowered by the Spirit of God. Here there exists a certain entanglement between the quantum state and the Spirit of God.” It deteriorates from there.

Diagnosis: Absolutely, utterly unhinged from reality, total loon, delusions of grandeur; his turgid metaphysical ramblings do presumably enjoy only limited impact, however.

Entry #004: Chris Allen

Next up, great American loon #4 - Chris Allen.

Not to be confused with several other people of the same name, this Chris Allen is a weatherman at the FOX-affiliated TV station in Bowling Green, KY. Why is this Chris Allen considered prominent enough to earn a spot in the Encyclopedia? Well, the ever reliably insane and dishonest Senator James Inhofe included Allen on his infamous list of “700 prominent scientists who deny global warming”. So he MUST be prominent, right?

Chris Allen holds no college degree but does have a blog, referred to by Inhofe as “his scientific writings”. Allen rejects anthropogenic global warming (AGW) on the grounds that it contradicts the Bible, and he complains that AGW “completely takes God out of the picture”.

Ed Brayton has the story.

Diagnosis: Complete nutjob and wingnut; probably harmless.

Entry #003: Mohammed Al-Bayati

And now presenting our fabulous third loon, Dr. Mohammed Al-Bayati.

Al-Bayati is a belligerent HIV-denialist, most notable for his involvement in the aftermath of the Eliza Jane Scovill case. He has published a HIV-denial book and runs a company called Toxi-Health International. Known hand-waver when pressed on these things.

A good discussion of his work is found here. He is a pseudo-scientist who also flirts with the anti-vaccinationists, and is a full-fledged conspiracy theorist.

Diagnosis: Self-unaware belligerent zealot, victim of extreme confirmation bias; impact uncertain.

Entry #002: Howard Ahmanson

Our second loon is Howard Ahmanson.

Ahmanson is a financier of the Discovery Institute and several other fundamentalist causes, such as Proposition 8 in California. He is an extremely wealthy (multi-billionaire!) magnate whose political agenda is nicely captured in the following quotation: "My goal is the total integration of biblical law into our lives”.

Here's a link to some real information on this guy. A shadowy figure indeed.

Diagnosis: Complete loon, extremely influential and very, very dangerous.

Entry #001: Mike Adams

Up first in the Encyclopedia of American Loons we have Mike Adams, a.k.a. “The Health Ranger”.

Adams runs the website, one of the most disturbing cesspits of quackery on the net. He is a fierce opponent of science and evidence-based medicine, providing long screeds about the danger of conventional medicine and against skepticism based on confirmation bias, misleading vividness, paranoia and conspiracy theories. He has absolutely no understanding of either science or critical thinking (complete inability to recognize fallacies or bias). He is also a proponent of every imaginable alternative treatment.

He is also a 9/11 troofer.

For examples of his antics, you can read about his “takedown” of Obamacare here. And also here.

A truly stunning case of paranoia and stupidity is here. A scintillating display of ignorance, stupidity and self-unawareness here and here.

Mike Adams, a pyromaniac in a field of strawmen!

Edit: He's branching out. Or whatever. He may just be the most insane, confirmation bias- and Dunning-Kruger inflicted idiot in the US (together with Andy Schlafly). We can't keep track of his antics; maybe RationalWiki will. It's relatively predictable where you'll end up when your starting axiom is "everyone who disagrees with the conclusions I reach by wishful thinking must be in a conspiracy against me".

MOAR Edit: Paying continuous attention to the lunacy of Mike Adams would be slightly to much, but I'll link this one to sort of provide a summary update of what he's up to.

Son Of Edit: As mentioned, keeping track of Adams is a full time job, so we'll only chime in now and again. There's nothing out of the ordinary with this story, but that fact is really what makes it so bad.

Spouse Of Edit: A good piece on Adams's anti-science here.

Holy CRAP Will The Edits Stop?: Mike Adams discusses the coming zombie apocalypse here, in one of the most astoundingly stupid pieces of woo-motivated denialism ever penned. It is also discussed here.

Diagnosis: Complete loon, flamingly stupid, extremely paranoid, a zealot and a fraud; his influence is probably limited but given just a small base of followers he could wreak some havoc.

[This one is probably a different Mike Adams, but one that deserves a footnote in our lexicon in any case. This latter guy might or might not be identical to this one; this means that there are most likely at least two, possibly three, wildly crazy Mike Adamses out there, at least two of which are 9/11 troofers.]