Chaffey runs some ministry in Wisconsin (Midwest Apologetics), and teaches (his version of) science at Tri-State Christian School in Galena, Illinois. Chaffey is most notable, however, as a writer/administrator for Ken Ham's Answers in Genesis.
He has also co-authored "Old-Earth Creationism on Trial" with Jason Lisle (to be covered later), a young earth creationist book attacking not biology but - indeed - the "other" strand of creationism, old earth creationism. It is covered here.
For a sample of the level of acumen at work, notice first Chaffey & Lisle define "open-mindedness": "All ideas and theories should be subjected to rigorous self-examination, yet a similar self-critique is long overdue from the old-Earth creationists." (pp.14)
Then notice their main charge against Old Earth Creationism: "Since the Bible undisputedly teaches a young earth, when someone claims that scientific evidence proves otherwise, we can be certain they are mistaken." (pp.153)
They also argue that science presupposes the infallibility of the Bible, for without the Bible there would be no such thing as truth and verification (shades of Troy Brooks here). And on the annoying detail that radiometric dating kinda goes against the idea of a 6000 years old earth: "Additionally, God cursed the earth when Adam sinned (Gen 3:17-18). The Bible provides only a few details of how the world was changed, such as thorns and thistles. Can we be certain that radioactive decay rates were not affected?" And that's pretty much their argument (Ignoratio elenchi is an inference rule for these guys). And in fact, according to Chaffey, he doesn't need to bother with the problem of evil since "only biblical Christianity can make sense of evil and suffering. Every other worldview, philosophy, and belief system fall woefully short." The details are a little unclear.
From his bio page. The website for Midwest Apologetics is here. It's a marvel.
Diagnosis: As kooky as they come. His influence might not be very wide-ranging, but he does spend a lot of effort ”teaching children biblical truth”.
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